Frequently Asked Questions
The festival happens every March as the Grey Whales begin their migration from their winter birthing grounds in Baja California, Mexico to their summer feeding grounds in Alaska. It’s at this time of the year when we begin to see many Grey Whales travel past our coastline as they make their way north.
The 2024 festival will be held from March 16-24
The events featured throughout the week of the festival are constantly being added to our calendar. Check our calendar frequently for the list of updated events.
While most of the events will happen during the festival, the festival occasionally holds various fundraising events throughout the year. Be sure to check our calendar for any upcoming events.
There are two types of events – Ticketed Events & Button Events. Ticketed Events require a ticket to be purchased to gain entry to a specific event. For Button Events, guests will purchase an artistic button for a minimum donation. These buttons will then allow guests to gain entry to all Button Events throughout the festival.
Yes – absolutely! Our festival succeeds thanks to the generosity of the many who volunteer their valuable time to help the festival in a wide variety of ways. If you’re interested in volunteering throughout the festival, be sure to check out the volunteer page.
There are many ways you can help make the festival a success. First and foremost, be sure to join us at as many events as possible! If you’d like to host a specific event or have an idea for an event – we’d love to hear from you. Finally, you can always be a sponsor of the festival through a variety of sponsorship levels. Any and all support of the festival is greatly appreciated!
Each year we ask for submissions from local artists to design the artwork for the following years festival. If you’d like to have your artwork featured on our festival poster we’d love for you to submit your ideas for a poster to us.